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Using data, AI and automation to bring you faster, cheaper and more accurate Air Quality Assessments 

FREE Baseline Air Quality Assessment
Complete within 48 Hours
IAQM Certified

What is AQ Tool?

AQ Tool is an easy form used to collect your information so we can determine the air quality services you require. It is also the face of a much larger system aimed at optimising the air quality assessment process, making assessments easier to complete for us and therefore cheaper and quicker to be completed for you.
AQ Tool has allowed us to make Baseline Air Quality Assessments (Including Construction Dust Phase Assessments and Air Quality Neutral Assessments) completely FREE for all local authorities and companies that qualify. 

See the diagram below for a standard air quality assessment process and compare it to our far simpler AQ Tool:

Old process:

Email correspondence

Prepare / issue quote

Manually prepare model

Verification model 



Manually prepare report






(if required)



New process:

AQ Tool: User Inputs



AI-powered Report



Using the typical assessment process you can expect to see a completed report within 15 working days depending on the extents of the assessment. Design changes can see consultants rerunning models and rewriting reports which can add days if not weeks.

Using AQ Tool you can expect to see a completed report within 48 hours. 

Improving Air Quality Consultancy:

In addition to decreasing cost and time, AQ Tool has also increased accuracy of air quality assessments, win-win-win.

Here's why:


  1. By automating manual tasks we reduce the likelihood of human error making assessments more accurate on average. 

  2. The large removal of human input when preparing the model and displaying results reduces potential for data manipulation and biases (intentional or not).

  3. Time pressure from clients and managers amplifies the likelihood for human error and encourages consultants to do the bare minimum when preparing models. This often causes a lack of data, resulting in consultants redoing models several times, further increasing the time. AQ Tool can make models as extensive as required without needing to consider the amount of time it will take. 

  4. Consultants spend less time on manual tasks allowing them to spend more time and energy on critical aspects of the assessment such as what bespoke mitigation (if any) would suit the clients best.

  5. Integration of a traffic API has allowed us to monitor even the slightest change in speed, width and traffic, something that is impossible to do manually.

  6. The traffic API has also allowed us to accurately predict speed in models. Whereas, consultants largely estimate speed based on speed limits and the context of the road. A very inaccurate method that has a massive impact on the outcome of the results,  leaving huge opportunities for data bias and manipulation.


The result of AQ Tool: better air quality for all of us. 


Complete your assessment with us today for FREE and discover AQ Tool here.

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